Immersion Cleaning
A Higher Standard Of Clean
Below is a list of steps we take to ensure a quality and satisfactory cleaning of your precious heirlooms and area rugs.
1Step 1
A pre-inspection is performed both in your home and in our facility to determine your rugs pre-existing conditions, it’s fiber make-up, potential color migration risk, general cleaning concerns, and appropriate cleaning methods.Pre-Inspection
2Step 2
A thorough dusting is performed using compressed air and/or mechanical harmonic vibration machines that removes up to 95% of the of dry soil and particulates which simply cannot be removed by regular vacuuming.Dry Soil Removal
3Step 3
Next a Color Stabilizing and Souring agent is applied to ensure safe cleaning without the risk of color migration. After this application your rug will enter into the wash phase where it will receive a thorough immersion.Pre-Treatment
4Step 4
After a technician has thoroughly washed the rug to ensure all soiled areas have been meticulously cared for, he then runs your rug through two consecutive back-to-back rinse phases to ensure all cleaning agents have been removed.Water Submersion
5Step 5
Next, the excess water is removed from your rug in a process referred to as speed drying. Your rug will then go to either a drying tower or a drying grid depending on its size and weight. The pile is then reset for a proper appearance when dry.Water Extraction
6Step 6
Post cleaning spot treatment for difficult areas that require additional attention. After your rug has been completely spot treated, inch-by-inch, we will then clean/brighten fringe (when applicable.) We do not use bleach.Fringe Treatment
7Step 7
A facility manager will next perform a meticulous, inch-by-inch, post-cleaning inspection of your rug. If the manager feels that any area can be cleaned further, your rug will be sent back to beginning of step 1 to begin the full process once more.Post-Inspection
7Step 7
After the facility manager has approved your rug, a product called encapsulation is then applied. This product is plant-based and forms a microscopic crystal barrier around each fiber to add extended soil repellent and fiber protection. Other add-on items will be implemented at this stage.Finishing
Request A Free Consultation
Contact Us Today to request a FREE consultation. Commercial & residential cleaning services. We also clean and restore fine and antique rugs nationwide.