Judge How Dirty a Rug Is
These simple steps should help in determining whether your rug needs cleaning or not:
- Pick up a corner of the rug and while holding it, kick the back of the rug sharply. If a cloud of dirt flies out of the pile, the rug is dirty and needs cleaning. NOTE: some dust and wool fibers are normal!
- Kneel down on the rug and rub the pile vigorously with your hand in a short arc for 5 to 10 seconds.Look at your fingers and palm: if your hand is dirty, the rug needs cleaning.
- With the pile facing UP fold part of the rug back upon itself so that the pile opens along a line of knots.Look down into the base of the pile at the foundation of the rug. If the warp and weft look dirty, there is dirt deep in the pile where a home vacuum cleaner cannot reach it. The rug needs cleaning.
- If the rug has odor coming from it, it needs cleaning.
- After a long period of storage the rug and accumulate dirt and in some cases wool eating moths. Thus after storing a rug, it is a great habit to get you rug washed thoroughly to remove any dirt or moths.
- Stains and spills, if you rug contains stains it best to get it treated right away to ensure the rug does not get permanent color damage. You may not need a wash if the stains and spills are taken care of in a timely manner. The best solution for stains and spills is to use our recommended Oriental Area Rug Stain Lifter which you can order by clicking here.